Specialty Coffee Chain
Unique solutions in the UI style made a great improvement of the global view of the website.
Deep exploration of the niche and main competitors, UX wireframing and corrections until we’ve got the ideal vision for both sides - ours and customer’s..
The core and totally new idea of the visual design was adding some notes of true design, making and emphasis on the hand-made elements, that’s why you can see such style with drawn items.
Big work we’ve made with this page, cause it’s one of the most visited places on the website. Attention to the details, usability and conversion rate in mind - that were the core thoughts.
The style kit for the website was given by the customer, cause it was a redesign project, so the basis has been already existing..User centered design
We’ve created the structure of the website pages with usability in mind, cause for eCommerce project it’s the goal number one.- Mobile
- Mobile
- Mobile
Mobile version
An integral part of each project are responsive layouts and it’s not only duplication, but a well-thought process, where the designer is creating the right structure of all elements.