Garant Wood

Woodworking Company

Russia, Moscow
E-Commerce website design & development for the Russian Woodworking Company “GarantWood”.
Company “GarantWood” didn’t have any website, so the objective was to create the first representation of the company in the net. The website focused on the woodworking products and the catalogs of those products. One more important thing was to take into account SEO part of the website creation as a part of the marketing strategy after the completion. Visit website
E-Commerce concept

From Home to Inner pages and Cart, the main goal is to create a User Flow, which will make it available for the clients to buy products in minimum clicks. Moreover, the informational part has also been taken into account.

Product Page

As the project has the main goal to sell the product through the site, the Product Page was created as a center of the whole website. Usability and User-Friendliness of this page made a good impact after the launch of the website, and the customer is happy.


Because of the niche of the website - woodworking production - the whole style of the website was made in worm and enjoyable tones with photo emphasises.
  • Mobile
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Mobile version

In this project the mobile version didn’t have any specialities - just another one effective and useful responsive website that we’ve designed.
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